Legal information

SIRET n°38809176100030
RCS La Roche sur Yon 388091761
Intracommunity VAT number:FR09388091761
The website is hosted by IONOS by 1&1.IONOS by 1&1.
Publication manager: Jean-Dominique AMAR.
Soerma TP is a trademark of Mécanokit
Mécanokit is a simplified joint stock company with its registered office at ZI La Croix des Chaumes - 85170 Le Poiré sur Vie in France.
Capital: 304 900€
Telephone: 02 51 31 67 67

Intellectual property

The information published on the Soerma TP site is written and illustrated by the Marketing Department of Soerma TP using sources and content (photos, texts, iconography, etc.) from Soerma TP and the Vensys Group as a whole. The site may also contain images supplied by third parties, partners of Soerma TP and the Vensys Group.

Soerma TP only authorises the representation, distribution and copying of all or part of the Site and its content for private purposes, for information on Soerma TP, and in compliance with French law.

In this context, this site and its content are protected by the law of 11 March 1957. Any representation, reproduction, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, of the site or its content, made without the consent of Soerma TP or its successors in title or assigns, is unlawful (first paragraph of article 40). This representation or reproduction, publication or distribution, by any means whatsoever, would therefore constitute an infringement punishable by articles 425 et seq. of the former French penal code.

Except with the prior written agreement of Soerma TP, and apart from the authorisations granted, no reproduction, modification or commercialisation of the site or its content, in any form or by any means whatsoever, is authorised. If you have any queries, please contact the Marketing Department on 02 51 31 67 67 or send an e-mail to